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75 Years of Milestones in the UK Black Community

Press Release
75 Years of Milestones in the UK Black Community

The series is being launched at a press conference on Monday 12 December at 11:00 am, at the Warren Centre, Basement 1-8 Suffolk House, Whitfield Place, London W1T 5JU (Nearest Tube: Warren Street). Mike Johnson said:

We want to disrupt the stereotype that role-models in the modern Black community are only sportsmen and women, or from the world of entertainment. Our intention is to take the listener behind the scenes to highlight people and events that have helped to shape the way we live today and share information that would have remained hidden without a series like Milestones.”

He goes on to say, “This is by no means an exhaustive list, and with each episode comes a call-to-action for listeners to submit their milestone nominations, including themselves, for subsequent series.” Dr Dwain Neil OBE said: “The unveiling of the National Windrush Monument in June of this year was the trigger that inspired the question – what are the other milestones in our modern Black community? And it was not long before my research produced several more from the decade of the UK arrival of the Windrush pioneers to the extraordinary contributions of their grandchildren in the present day.

The range of our milestones filled me with a deep sense of pride and are a source of cultural esteem. I believe that others will also be inspired by them.” The series runs for nine weeks, starting on 19 December at 9am, online at, the Radioplayer App (Search for Life Radio UK), and DAB Radio (Channel 9A) in North Birmingham. The podcasts will be available on Spotify shortly after broadcast.


RAFFA is an independent charity launched on Thursday 26th November 2006.

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